Bone Mineral Density - BMD

Bone Mineral Density

If you fail to attend your appointment there will be a $50 no-show charge.

Appointments not confirmed 24 hours prior to appointment time will be cancelled.

Patient Preparation
Do not take calcium supplements 24 hours prior to appointment. Wear clothing with no buttons or zippers

Bone Mineral Density studies (DXA), is used primarily to evaluate for bone loss and determine whether you have or are at risk of developing osteoporosis. BMD or DXA is an X-Ray procedure that measures the density of your bones and will help your doctor determine your bones strength and assess the risk of developing fractures.

DXA is also effective in monitoring osteoporosis treatment and other conditions that cause bone loss and is most often performed on the lower spine and hips.

When you arrive at GNMI for your BMD test, you will be required to lie still on an imaging table while the scanner passes slowly over you. The amount of radiation used is minimal and is considered to be very safe.